Monday, May 31, 2010

Fitness Ridge Day 2

I am pretty tired today, so i am going to make it short (as it can be for being the first real day of exercise), and sweet.

Up at 5:45 this morning for our first hike. It really wasnt too bad....we hiked for 2 hours and got back a little early so I walked a mile on the treadmill. Then we had breakfast....EWEY EWEY Frittata!!! I had the cereal with almond milk and it was DELICIOUS!!! Next was a little lecture and then a stretch class. I guess everybody loves the stretch class but I just thought it was ok. Maybe I will like it more when I can actually do most of the stretches! Then was lunch....and I have to say, I really didnt want to eat it, mostly because we just had breakfast 2 1/2 hours prior and I had a headache and was stressed out. But, I was carrot soup and a burrito. The soup wasnt bad, a little spicy, and the burrito was great!

After lunch the hard work starts! There was another lecture and then 3 intense I had Step and Pump, which some people call step and puke, but it didnt have that affect on me. It was a tough class with a lot of squats! Thank goodness it is only 1 day a week! Then was a pool class which I loved, and then Circuit Training which was fun, but MAN a workout!! You go back and forth from a cardio machine to a workout machine (cause I can't think of the name, but it is a different each time, to work your arms and legs and everything in between). You do each for 2-3 minutes, increasing the speed/weight every 30 seconds, and this lasts about 45 minutes. I have to say I really like this one too because it really pushed me. I ran on the treadmill more then I have ever ran before, and I used the eliptical about 5 times, and it didnt hurt my knees!! So, that was pretty awesome.

Then there was dinner. A DELICIOUS salmon burger and veggies, with a cranberry sorbet for dessert. We had another lecture after that.

All and all, today has been a very emotional day! Tonight my stomach was nauseous and I felt like I wanted to go home, and I honestly can't imagine staying 4 weeks! But everyone that has been here says that is normal and it will pass, so I am praying it does!! I did add an electrolytes tab to my water and my stomach stopped hurting so that is good. They said at dinner if you drink too much water it flushes the electrolytes out and then you can feel sick, so I think that is what happened. I never thought I would ever drink TOO much water!

Sorry there aren't any pics today. I wanted to focus more on the workouts and getting where I needed to be. I have to go to my room numerous times each day, and it is upstairs, so the less reasons I have to go to my room the better.


Sunday, May 30, 2010

Fitness Ridge Day 1

Well, last night at the hotel was ridiculous!! I couldnt sleep at all....The air conditioner was so loud, but if it was turned off it was too hot! So, I finally got out of bed at 8am. I decided to order room service! I have never done that and it beats sitting in the restaurant by myself. It was pretty awesome!! The shuttle picked me up at 11:10 to head off to Fitness Ridge.

I got checked in but my room wasnt ready yet, so I sat in the lobby reading my manual. A gal named Julie walked up to me asking if I had just gotten there and I told her I had. She welcomed me and informed me that she had been there 2 weeks and was staying 4 more weeks. She told me an amazing place it was and of course I started crying....happy tears! Found out that she is from Washington too so that was cool! I was so early, that I walked around and met some of the other people. Everyone here is so nice!! It was lunch time here, but they dont give the incoming guests lunch because check in really isnt until 3pm. One lady was nice enough to give me some artichoke soup! I was hungry so I figured I would try it, since I would be having it at some point anyway. NASTY!!!! I chased each bite with a drink of water! I will be having something different on that day for sure! I have heard the food here is really good, but I was kind of worried about some of the soups. Guess I will eat it if I am hungry enough!

Finally, my time came for me to Test In. They weighed me, measured me, gave me a water bottle, and sent me to talk to the life coach so should could explain the program a little bit. There were 3 others that met with her at the same time as me, so that was nice. After that, my room was finally ready! My room is upstairs which is exercise in itself, so I guess I can say I have officially started my workout! lol The rooms are VERY nice and it smelled good too! I unpacked all my stuff and laid on the bed to make sure it was sleepable for the next 4 weeks...not that I have a choice! It will do! :)

Soooo, the best news yet...just before dinner I found out that 3 past Biggest Loser Contestants were here this week! Nicole and Damian from season 7 and Bernie from season 5. Bernie and Brittany were my favorites that season so I am PRETTY excited!! I got my picture taken with them already, but will have to take another picture later this week when I look a little better!! LOL

I have me 5 people here that I have talked to on Facebook, so that has been pretty exciting! Dinner was pretty good. It was chicken, broccoli and spaghetti squash. The squash wasnt my favorite but it was edible. Dessert was Key Lime Pie made of Tofu and it was disgusting! After dinner was orientation! I felt like I knew everything already from talking to past guests and the guests that were here last week! Call me crazy, but I am kind of looking forward to the hike tomorrow.

Well, I better get to bed because 5:45 is going to come early tomorrow!

Saturday, May 29, 2010

Mixed Emotions

Wow! What a day! I traveled to Utah today! 2 hour flight to Vegas and then a 2 hour shuttle ride to St. George Utah. Let me go back a few days first.

It has been an emotional/rough week. Unfortunately my marriage is not going so great right now. I have asked my husband to move out while I am gone this next month. Don't really want to go into details, but it has been a rough relationship and just seems to not be getting any better, which I honestly hoped it would. The sad part is that he has 3 kids that I have helped raise (or some people may say I HAVE raised them). Not sure how that is going to look, but I know I will still see them and be their "other mom." It will just be hard.

I was really excited about my trip, until yesterday. I got teary a couple of times. Then today, about 5 minutes from the airport, I started getting nervous. I was shaky and had a stomach ache. After my husband and youngest son dropped me off, I got teary eyed again, walking to my gate. I am not exactly sure why....maybe the unknown when I get home, or traveling alone, or just the events that are going to take place soon!

The flight was great, and so was the shuttle ride, but then I got to the hotel, and lost it again. Lonely, bored, frustrated that I couldnt get the internet to shopping across the street and to dinner by myself. Not used to going and doing things by myself. Was thinking about going to the pool, but it was just weird going by myself, and I am not comfortable in a swimsuit anyway, so that didnt happen.

I know I will meet a lot of wonderful people tomorrow and the weeks to come, but geez I am an emotional wreck right now! I hear the first few days of the week are rough to so I hope I can get through it!

I will definately write again tomorrow! I will have lots of time on my hands.

Monday, May 24, 2010

How time flies!

Wow, I cant believe my last blog was written almost 4 weeks ago! I now only have 4 days until I get to Fitness Ridge, and it couldn't have come at a better time of my life! Just from reading other peoples blogs and encouraging words, I am already focusing on myself!

I haven't been doing so hot on eating right and exercising. I did lose a few more pounds, but then my whole mindset changed! I seem to think I need to eat what I can before I get there because I refuse to eat that crap when I get back! I am sure I will be kicking myself in the butt once I get there, but hey, what can you do!

Well, sorry I don't have a whole lot more to say....I am just trying to get through these next few days so I can get out of my house!!

See ya at Fitness Ridge!!

Saturday, May 1, 2010

4 Weeks to go....

I can't believe how fast time is flying by! The last couple of weeks have been rough emotionally. Good news first though! Last week I lost 6 more pounds!!!! Bad husband lost his job. I have gone through so many emotions since then that it is wearing me out!! My first thought was that I would have to cancel my trip to Fitness Ridge. I would get most of my money back and that would pay the bills for the next few months in case he doesnt get unemployment or another job by then. But all of my friends and family, including my husband, INSIST that I still go. I do see their point. Why do I have to suffer because my husband made poor choices? Once again, I wanted to put something off that was for ME, to take care of my family.

Also, because of the job loss, we have to figure something else out for insurance. We paid NOTHING for medical insurance through his work. Just co-payments when you actually went to the doctor. At my work, it costs $500 a month to cover our whole family, which is absolutely not affordable at this point. I have 1 month to figure out how to get affordable insurance.

Then, there is trouble with my oldest step son. He is having some trouble in school, with not turning in assignments or not completing the assignments, so his grades were horrible. On top of that, he doesnt have the greatest attitude in the world. He is disrespectful and VERY arguementative and we are pretty much at our wits end with what to do to help him. Because of this, and his request, he is going to go live with his mom after this summer. He is 14 and going into high school. Hopefully this change will be good for him. Unfortunately I am quite relieved because I am so stressed when he is around.

And last but not least, the girl I was originally going to room with for the entire 4 weeks in Utah, has canceled all together now. I was pretty bummed when she canceled the last two weeks, but a few days ago she had to cancel the first two weeks as well. I was really looking forward to meeting her and having someone there that sort of knew what I needed. Unfortunately things happen, and people need to do what is best for them, so now I am on a hunt for a new roommate. I really want to be able to chat with the person before I get there! GOOD LUCK IN YOUR NEW ADVENTURE JENI!!!!

So far this week, I have only exercised 1 day, and I haven't eaten the best! I am really hoping to get back on track as I only have 4 weeks until I arrive at Fitness Ridge. I dont have a choice once I get there, to eat bad or not exercise! But, I still need to try and prepare as much as I can! As of this morning, I have not gained or lost this week.

Well, wish me luck on the coming week!! Thank you to everyone that has been leaving me words of wisdom, luck, encouragement!!