Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Fitness Ridge Day 4

What I really want to say in blog today is.....Rough day, don't want to talk about, Good Night......BUT, I know some of you are counting on these blogs so I will say what I can.

Hike this morning was called Chuckwalla. I got some BEAUTIFUL picks, that I will post later, and I made it to the top of the hike! They say this one was 7-8 miles round trip!

My stomach has been hurting all day, and I couldn't figure out why. One of my friends here finally made me talk to one of the trainers. I didn't want to feel like a baby or a quitter. They had me drink a propel and go lay down for 30 minutes. I got back up and went to the next lecture because I don't want to miss anything here. Still wasn't feeling the best...but I pushed through the next class. Actually I substituted and instead of doing swim class I went to the gym and rode the nustep machine for 45 minutes.

Then, one of the ladies that works here, and knew I was feeling good today, asked me to take a walk with her. She took me to the lobby where a BEAUTIFUL vase of flowers were sitting for me! This made me smile, and they were mostly purple too! Apparently they are from a secret admirer (probably my mom, because she called last night and I was sobbing on the phone). They actually made me feel a lot better, so I think my stomach problems were mostly emotional.

My next class was kickboxing, which was great! I really like that class, and Sharon is an awesome instructor! After that was Mountain in the gym. You pick a cardio machine and you increase your speed or incline 12 times, every 3 minutes! That was a tough one and I did what I could on the treadmill. I probably would have done better if it was earlier in the day, but my legs were killing me by 4:30!

Forgot to say what the meals were today....Breakfast was museli. It is an oatmeal type thing :) I passed on it by the looks and had the granola cereal with almond milk again. Lunch was Green Pizza and Beet soup. Pizza was DELISH, but the beet soup DID NOT look appetizing, so I passed! I had 2 pieces of fruit instead. Dinner was a salad sitting in a tortilla. I ate some of it and wrapped the rest up like a burrito. It was nummy! Dessert was banana sorbet, and it was good too!!

Well, that is about it tonight. Sitting here waiting for my laundry to finish. Lots of people say that Wednesday is the hardest. The best part is that we are half way through the week! We only have 2 1/2 days left until we get a break, which I CAN NOT WAIT FOR!


Anonymous said...

Glad to hear that you are feeling better. Don't ever be hesitate to talk to the trainers if you aren't feeling well -- it doesn't mean you're a quitter, just concerned and trying to maximize your experience

If you get beet soup again, give it a try. I hate beets (always have), but I really liked the beet soup.

Just keep on keepin' on. :-)

Kathleen E. -- alum from January 2010

gottaluvme3 said...

Thanks Kathleen! I do feel a little better after talking to Robin and Sharon. They are all so wonderful here!